Bye bye Tallinn
Ainda me lembro do dia em que na escola primária a professora ensinou os 5 continentes. Um grupo de pequenas almas, atónitas com a imensidão do Mundo, a olhar para o mapa. Do fundo de mim algo se soltou naquele momento e mais alto que a voz da professora disse-lhe que queria descobrir o outro lado do Mundo aquele lado que ninguém nunca tinha visto. Zangada por a ter interrompido a professora perguntou-me do que é que eu estava a falar, se o mundo já tinha sido todo descoberto... desapontada e mais alto ainda mas edesta vez apena para mim eu disse que ela não sabia o que dizia - O mundo nunca estará todo descoberto até eu vê-lo com os meus próprios olhos, caminhá-lo com os meus próprios pés ou senti-lo com o meu coração.
Mais tarde, durante a adolescência, Costumava subir a um banco para tirar sem autorização o Atlas do meu irmão, abri-lo e de olhos fechados deixar cair o meu indicador nas suas páginas e ver onde iria viajar naquele dia...E sem internet procurava tudo o que podia acerca dos países que por sorte (ou não) estavam debaixo do meu indicador quando abria os olhos...
aos 16,17 anos enquanto as outras raparigas escreviam poemas de amor, os meus falavam em ver o pôr do sol em cada canto do Mundo e já ia para a praia à boleia sozinha destemida.
Maior de Idade e já na Universidade enquanto os que me rodeavam pouco estudavam e quase nada faziam eu só pensava em trabalhar para juntar dinheiro para fazer aquilo que os meus pais nunca me deixariam: Ser uma viajante.
Com 18 anos Fiz a minha primeira viagem e nunca mais parei. Contra a vontade de tudo e todos atirei-me por esse mundo nas horas vagas.
Remember when I was very young, in primary school, the teacher was teaching the world´s continents and countries and from deep inside of me I just told loud that I would like to discover the other side of the world That side that no one never have been.Very angry my teacher asked me what I was talking about if the world was all discovered already... Very disapointed, I though she doesn´t know what she is saying... The world will never be all discovered untill you see it with your own eyes, get through it with your own feet, feel it with your own heart...
later in the early teens I remember that I used to open my Atlas and with my eyes closed pick a country and search everything I could (without internet ;) ) about it...
In the latest teens when girls were writing poems about boys I was writing poems about watching the sunset in every part of the world...
In the twenties when people was ostudying... I was working to save money to travelAnd and never stopped...
When everything have to be perfect always something goes wrong... Since beginning that I used to ask my self why Estonian cakes were so flat compared with Portugueseuese ones but when I decided to make a bye bye cake never thought that in Estonia they don´t have that poud to make the cakes grow... so by mistake bout the poud For...for breath 4 oclock in the morning I decide to make the cake when I realized that was the wrong poud..well I knew that would not be so perfect but in the end...was really really Worst!! in the morning when I wake up some funny guests discovered my cake and simply ate it :) so funny!!
So this morning watching the scenarium decided to buy Estonianian cakes :( I wanted to bring something Portugue But.. but in the the end what metters are the people and I am in Estonia, still, so lets eat estonian cake!
One by one all my dreams are becoming truth... 4 years ago when I was traveling inEuropeeurope I wished to travBalticbaltic states, Romania, Bulgaria,Serbia, north Greece was a wish as well and now here I Baltic states heading to all the countries I wanted to visit. :)
Now is time to wish higher ;) I did already! Besides my scientific Ideas i really believe that everything have a meaning.. and I do believe that if I will not fall my dreams I will never be happy and I will never be available to other plans...
I will be 27 years old in less than two weeks... I was thinking that if I still believe that I can change the world is because I really think this feeling will never change and an path in other direction will be only a waste of time...
Because I am Tânia from the moon! I have fire running in my veins instead of blood... and ones from the moon I will never be able to live for long in Earth...
Mais tarde, durante a adolescência, Costumava subir a um banco para tirar sem autorização o Atlas do meu irmão, abri-lo e de olhos fechados deixar cair o meu indicador nas suas páginas e ver onde iria viajar naquele dia...E sem internet procurava tudo o que podia acerca dos países que por sorte (ou não) estavam debaixo do meu indicador quando abria os olhos...
aos 16,17 anos enquanto as outras raparigas escreviam poemas de amor, os meus falavam em ver o pôr do sol em cada canto do Mundo e já ia para a praia à boleia sozinha destemida.
Maior de Idade e já na Universidade enquanto os que me rodeavam pouco estudavam e quase nada faziam eu só pensava em trabalhar para juntar dinheiro para fazer aquilo que os meus pais nunca me deixariam: Ser uma viajante.
Com 18 anos Fiz a minha primeira viagem e nunca mais parei. Contra a vontade de tudo e todos atirei-me por esse mundo nas horas vagas.
Remember when I was very young, in primary school, the teacher was teaching the world´s continents and countries and from deep inside of me I just told loud that I would like to discover the other side of the world That side that no one never have been.Very angry my teacher asked me what I was talking about if the world was all discovered already... Very disapointed, I though she doesn´t know what she is saying... The world will never be all discovered untill you see it with your own eyes, get through it with your own feet, feel it with your own heart...
later in the early teens I remember that I used to open my Atlas and with my eyes closed pick a country and search everything I could (without internet ;) ) about it...
In the latest teens when girls were writing poems about boys I was writing poems about watching the sunset in every part of the world...
In the twenties when people was ostudying... I was working to save money to travelAnd and never stopped...
When everything have to be perfect always something goes wrong... Since beginning that I used to ask my self why Estonian cakes were so flat compared with Portugueseuese ones but when I decided to make a bye bye cake never thought that in Estonia they don´t have that poud to make the cakes grow... so by mistake bout the poud For...for breath 4 oclock in the morning I decide to make the cake when I realized that was the wrong poud..well I knew that would not be so perfect but in the end...was really really Worst!! in the morning when I wake up some funny guests discovered my cake and simply ate it :) so funny!!
So this morning watching the scenarium decided to buy Estonianian cakes :( I wanted to bring something Portugue But.. but in the the end what metters are the people and I am in Estonia, still, so lets eat estonian cake!
One by one all my dreams are becoming truth... 4 years ago when I was traveling inEuropeeurope I wished to travBalticbaltic states, Romania, Bulgaria,Serbia, north Greece was a wish as well and now here I Baltic states heading to all the countries I wanted to visit. :)
Now is time to wish higher ;) I did already! Besides my scientific Ideas i really believe that everything have a meaning.. and I do believe that if I will not fall my dreams I will never be happy and I will never be available to other plans...
I will be 27 years old in less than two weeks... I was thinking that if I still believe that I can change the world is because I really think this feeling will never change and an path in other direction will be only a waste of time...
Because I am Tânia from the moon! I have fire running in my veins instead of blood... and ones from the moon I will never be able to live for long in Earth...
Other flights will come... I will let you know when I will be back to the moon... wherever the moon will be.
Kisses with mist and fruit salad flavour